compassion through chaos

cultivating equanimity and contentment in business

Learn how to use Energetic tools like Astrology and Yoga Philosophy to find peace of mind, build stronger boundaries, and cultivate resilience in your business.

 It's no secret that 2023 was tough.

For a lot of us, the stroke of midnight on January 1, 2024 was the one thing we looked forward to all year in our business. But, now that we're in a New Year … how do we restart?

What lessons can we take with us from 2023 and how can we use them to have a better 2024?

that's where


comes in…

Through the power of Energetic modalities like Astrology and Yoga Philosophy, you can learn how to better navigate the waters of entrepreneurship, stay more present, and focus on the things that really matter.

In this 60-minute, interactive Masterclass you'll learn about the concepts of equanimity and contentment from an Energetics perspective.

Imagine feeling…

  • More confident in your ability to navigate difficult client experiences, knowing that you have what it takes to stay centered.
  • Better equipped to handle the ups and downs that inevitably come with owning a business, because you can see the bigger picture.
  • More connected to your calling, because the choices you make have intention and purpose behind them.

If you enjoy learning about the systems of Astrology, Ayurveda, or Yoga, this workshop will provide practical techniques you can translate into meaningful tools for navigating the complexities of entrepreneurship.

A recording will be sent out as soon as you sign up!

Hi, I'm Meaghan!

My spiritual teaching journey began in 2017, when I received my very first astrology birth chart reading.

 My mind began to put pieces together than had previously never made sense; I finally felt like I was learning why I was wired the way I was.

In 2018, I began studying Western Astrology -- which lead to a deep desire to formalize my spiritual training.

In 2019, I completed my 200 hour yoga teacher training with Victoria Martinez of Chakra Flow University.

After an intense 8 weeks of study, I began asking deeper questions and dig into the connections between modern emotional intelligence work and the ancient practices of yoga, Ayurveda, and astrology.

My goal, as an intuitive business coach, is to hold a mirror up to each of my clients and allow them to see themselves for who they really are: a capable, strong, intelligent, and badass human.

You deserve your own compassion.