A recorded masterclass to help you leverage the Energetics of Astrology and Ayurveda to Reclaim a Sustainable Lifestyle.

your sacred purpose is ready to manifest.

Not only to change the world, but to support you in building the life and business of your wildest dreams.

Unfortunately, the way our society is currently structured often leaves purpose-filled business owners like us feeling stressed out, stretched too thin, and ready to throw in the towel.

Thankfully, we have a sacred ally.

The world around us offers clues and support systems that we can lean into not only when times are tough, but also when they are joyful!

You were born during this time for a reason. It's time to find out why.

In this 60-minute workshop, you'll learn the fundamental aspects of Astrology and Ayurveda — two ancient and potent energetic systems that have been leveraged by humans all over the world for thousands of years.

If you're new to these systems — or if you've been studying them for a while — this masterclass will provide practical tips you can translate into routines, systems, and processes that work for your business and, in turn, support you to live a more well-rounded, sustainable lifestyle.

We need you. We need your business. But the only way you can keep going is by finding balance and boundaries. Let's do it together.

this masterclass is available to watch as soon as you complete your purchase!

Who is this training for?


Service-based business owners looking to find more ease in their current lifestyle


Entrepreneurs with an interest in learning how to incorporate holistic strategies into their business


Intuitive healers, teachers, and creators (yes, that means you!)

What you'll discover:


A fundamental understanding of Astrology and Ayurveda


How Astrology and Ayurveda influence us, both consciously and subconsciously


How to harness their energies in your business in a powerful, strengths-based way

Hi, I'm Meaghan!

My spiritual teaching journey began in 2017, when I received my very first astrology birth chart reading.

 My mind began to put pieces together than had previously never made sense; I finally felt like I was learning why I was wired the way I was.

In 2018, I began studying Western Astrology -- which lead to a deep desire to formalize my spiritual training.

In 2019, I completed my 200 hour yoga teacher training with Victoria Martinez of Chakra Flow University.

After an intense 8 weeks of study, I began asking deeper questions and dig into the connections between modern emotional intelligence work and the ancient practices of yoga, Ayurveda, and astrology.

My goal, as an intuitive business coach, is to hold a mirror up to each of my clients and allow them to see themselves for who they really are: a capable, strong, intelligent, and badass human.

watch now for just $11